Saturday, February 28, 2009


I think this is transfer 8: Week 5

i just wrote a LONG start to this week's email, then my clumsy hand hit the 
wrong button and all is lost. i'm sorry. i'll try to make the re-do good. past 
shows what happens to my morale when things like this happen. we'll see how 
today turns out.
chlover, my love. the first single. easy. do you think i'd forget the format 
that fast?!?! i have a song for you.
"now i'm sunny with a high of 75 
since you took my heavy heart and made it light
and it's funny how you find you enjoy your life 
when you're happy to be alive."
this is my theme song. christ has changed my life. spring is here in full force 
and the weather is in the mid-70's. summer is around the corner, mango ice, 
fresh pineapple and my one year on island mark are all around the corner. i feel 
like miracles are around the corner, i know they are around every corner. i see 
them every day.
today the temple was AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING beyond comprehension! it's 
interesting how some things you don't realize you miss until you are reunited. 
and it was really interesting to perceive the ways i've grown in the past year. 
i don't think i've ever gotten more out of a few hours in the temple. i'm so 
jealous of taipei missionaries that are able to go regularly!! i look frequent 
temple trips when i get home. i think three things greatly influenced how 
spectacular the temple was today...
1. really really really living the gospel for the past 13 months. long term 
preparation, if you will.
2. going with a couple of questions in mind. in the past little while i've 
learned from four source about the power of SEEKING answers. a. the ensign 
article last month about enhancing study of d and c. b. elder perkins advising 
us to attend every church meeting with a question or two we'd like answered. c. 
the scriptures! do you know how many time they mention "ask and ye shall 
receive" 70+! d. president hsu's free-flowing wisdom. i think ponder questions 
before we go to the temple invites the holy ghost to teach according to our 
needs. i think it also helps us to be alert and receptive to the message and 
guidance heavenly father has for us. 
3. short term preparation. i think the anticipation and build-up of this trip 
and fasting before/during the session made a huge difference.
i love the house of the lord! 
this week i'm going to organize my thoughts and hit you with an amazing email 
next week. i'm sorry this is short. IT DOES NOT REPRESENT MY LOVE FOR YOU. MY 
i love you all. 
sister zeng yuru, jade lani ozawa


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